Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Northwest Wusses - July 17

On the morning of the 17th, Julia and I got up and decided we were Northwest Wusses.  Meaning, we just couldn’t take the Tokyo heat.  It was one thing to be out in it, off and on during the day, but another to try to sleep in the hot, heavy air.  Julia in particular struggled with this.  I noticed it more in the morning when I tried to organize my thoughts and get myself going...  All I could do was sit.  Like a potato.  I wasn’t distressed.  Just oddly brain dead.  So with some disappointment, we took leave of Joy’s warm and generous hospitality, and shlepped our bedraggled selves to a small hotel with good last minute rates and - more importantly - air conditioning.  And we cranked that puppy!  Whaddaya know if we didn’t just perk right back up again.

These days in Tokyo were characterized by alternately being lazy and zooming about taking in what we could as well as making sure we had done the shopping we needed to.  We wanted some things for ourselves as well as to take care of some of our birthday and holiday gift-buying for the year.   We spent the rest of that day doing errands, writing post cards, and generally organizing ourselves.

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